Grid Calculator

To find a Grid Square enter a Latitude and Longitude

The 0 degree prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England.
Longitudes WEST of the prime maridian are negative and positive to the EAST.
Latitudes NORTH of the equator are positive, those to the SOUTH are negative.

Latitude  N  S
     Longitude  W  E

. . . OR . . .
Find and Click on your operating QTH in Google or Bing maps then copy and paste the
"Decimal" Lat and Long shown, for your QTH, into the box below. It should look similar to this:
41.714778, -72.727214    or this    46.229167, 6.125000
  Lat and Long must be separated by a comma.

How many places to show for the Grid Square?    4    6    8    10

The Grid Square for Latitude and Longitude is

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Grid Square Calc Designed and Written in PHP by Dennis K6DF
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